Fibromyalgia is so unpredictable….

I woke up Saturday after a week of severe pain and discomfort to find I felt human again,  I went to the Martial Arts Classes, no not to do it, my husband runs a club.   I felt fine and enjoyed a couple of hours, but then with complete exhaustion was completely immersed in the symptoms.   I could not use my computer as the wi-fi was down, so decided to let fibromyalgia win and rested for a couple of hours.  Our Wi-fi was back on to a nice engineer and so I got onto the system again.   I make items to help with my arthritis and sell them and give them away, selling them enables me to buy more wool and so do the cycle again.  It is not like work with I loved so much and wished every day I could go back to but it does keep my brain working and makes me feel useful again.   The bonus is that I have no boss to let down, I rest when I have to so I can still join in the family events and still appear normal, although like all of you inside I will never be normal again.   Keeping update seems to be the key but it is a full time job.  Gentle hugs to you all, I have another family event today, so not much else to be done, gentle hugs x

About Nanny Cheryl Originals Buy on Line

Wife, mother, grandmother all my best work, now unable to work due to ill health, I have found my creative side again so much that I need to sell the extra items I make. It keeps me going, I like to swim and especially spend time with my family.
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